Doctor of Jurisprudence, Willamette University College of Law
Bachelor of Science, English, Willamette University and Oregon State University
Mediation Certification, Yamhill County Mediators / George Fox University
Advanced Mediation Training, Pepperdine University / Straus Institute
Becoming a Labor Arbitrator Training, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
Public Sector Workplace Investigations Training, Association of Workplace
Investigators (AWI)
LaJoie Mediation, Arbitration and Consulting
2019-present. Private mediation and arbitration services, workplace investigations,
facilitation, consulting, and training.
Ombudsperson, City of Portland Bureau of Transportation, Drivers Advisory Committee
2019-present. Dispute resolution and policy analysis between Uber and Lyft
drivers and Transportation Network Companies.
Labor Relations Manager, Multnomah County
2021-2022. Interpreted labor contracts, rules, policies; collective bargaining, negotiated
memoranda and agreements; resolved grievances; provided consultation and support
for managers and supervisors; reviewed discipline and grievance responses; responded
to Union information requests; coordinated Countywide layoffs; Executive Secretary for
Merit Council (civil service appeals); managed unemployment claims.
Labor Relations Representative, Oregon Nurses Association
1994-1995, 2009-2015, 2019-2021. Represented nurses at multiple medical centers
throughout Oregon. Negotiated and administered collective bargaining agreements,
represented employees in investigations, worked with individuals and groups to
collectively problem solve employment issues and provided trainings to members and
member groups.
Mediator, State of Oregon Employment Relations Board
2015-2018. Mediated unfair labor practice charges, collective bargaining negotiations
and grievances between Oregon public employers and employee unions, conducted
training and facilitation for improved negotiations and labor relations.
Government Relations / Public Affairs Attorney, Oregon State Bar
2005-2009. Gathered, analyzed and responded to legislation and other government
actions affecting the Oregon State Bar, the legal profession, and the Oregon state and
federal judicial systems.
Associate Attorney, Bailey Pinney & Associates, LLC
1999-2004. Represented individual and class action plaintiffs in wage and hour, Family
Medical Leave Act, Title VII, and other employment litigation cases.
Arbitration Panels
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS)
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
Washington Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC), Dispute Resolution Panel
Oregon Employment Relations Board (ERB), Arbitrator Panel
Montana Public Relations Board, Arbitrator Panel
Mediation Panels
Multnomah County Court, Equal Opportunity Employment Commission, U.S. District Court of Oregon
Oregon Patient Safety Commission / Early Dispute Resolution Program
Oregon Department of Education, Special Education Dispute Resolution program (mediator and facilitator)
Multnomah County Small Claims Court
Federal Executive Board Shared Neutrals program
Professional Organizations
Oregon State Bar Labor and Employment Law Section, Executive Committee Member (2017-present, Treasurer 2022, Secretary 2023, Chair-Elect 2024)
Oregon State Bar Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, Executive Committee Member (2018- Present, Treasurer 2020-2021)
Oregon Mediation Association, member
Labor and Employer Relations Association (LERA), Oregon Chapter, member
Association of Workplace Investigators, (AWI), member
Publications and Presentations
Chapter Co-author, Oregon State Bar, Arbitration and Mediation, 2018
Presenter, National Labor and Employment Relations Association Conference, November 2018
Presenter, Oregon State Bar Association CLE, Labor Law “Boot Camp,” June 2021
Presenter, Northwest LERA Conference, April 2022
Oregon State Bar Association
U.S. District Court of Oregon
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training, Private Investigator